22 Apr Teeing Off – From Golf to Law
Like many people, my first encounter with probate law didn’t come in a law class but with the loss of a loved one. I was a senior in high school when my grandfather passed away — old enough to grasp the pain and confusion the ensuing legal process caused. I remember going to many meetings to sort out his last will and testament. It took a toll on my already mourning family.
Eventually, the experience factored into my founding of Boyum Law Firm. To this day,my favorite part of my job is helping families comprehend and navigate a highly complex and emotionally charged area of the law. Best of all, I help them avoid situations like the one my own family faced. I did not, however, follow a straight path from high school to becoming an attorney. In fact, it wasn’t the law but golf that brought me to Nebraska.
While I had lawyers in the family, including my father, I was taken with golf as a young man. It helped I was good at the sport. After playing throughout high school and college, I toured as a coaching professional. During my time on tour, I saw many great things around the country. At the Nike Tour, Jim Hackenberg, inventor of the Orange Whip, advised me to stop in Omaha.
I did, took a coaching job at a country club, and have been here ever since. I eventually followed my father’s footsteps and became an attorney. Yet, I like to think the years spent coaching helped prepare me for representing folks in a way law school couldn’t. Much like golf, estate planning and elder law issues take patience and a steady hand. Plenty of pitfalls abound, and it’s easy to go astray if you aren’t careful.
These days, I don’t have much time to golf. Between helping my clients and being a new father, I’m busy in and out of the office. I may not tee off as often anymore, but I get to raise a family while doing work I’m passionate about in a great town. That’s plenty to be grateful for.
How can Boyum Law Firm help you?
Boyum Law Firm can help with your estate planning, Medicaid planning and probate law needs. To contact Boyum Law Firm, click here.